pls get my repos
Aliases: r,repositories,repo,repository
TL;DR: interact with your github repositories
makes it easy to interact with your github repositories. after fetching your repos and sorting them into a dropdown GUI for you to select from, pls
currently supports:
- opening your default browser to the repository page in github
- cloning the repository to your chosen default codebase directory (as set in your config file), cloning it into the current directory, or choosing a custom directory
- prints a table with relevant metadata about a repository (like description, default branch, when it was created, when it was last updated, language)
pls get my repos
Local Flags
-h, --help help for repos
Inherited Flags
--all search all of github
-a, --approved [PR] fetch only PRs that have been approved
--assigned [PR|ISSUE] fetch only PRs or issues assigned to you
-x, --changesneeded [PR] fetch only PRs where changes have been requested
-c, --closed [PR|ISSUE] fetch only closed prs or issues
-b, --current [PR] fetch the PR, if one exists, for your current working branch
-d, --draft [PR] fetch only draft PRs
-l, --locked [PR|ISSUE] fetch only locked PRs or issues
--mention [PR|ISSUE] fetch only PRs or issues where i've been mentioned
-m, --merged [PR] fetch only PRs that have been merged
-p, --pending [PR] get only PRs that are pending approval
-V, --verbose verbose output
--viper use viper for configuration (default true)
-w, --work [ALL] fetch resources via your github enterprise account